If you are reading this blog because you want to know how to raise perfect children, you should probably put your phone down slowly and go google it. There’s a lot of stuff out there for you, really good advice that will make your children Ivy League scholars and models of deportment and Mozartesque musical geniuses. Of all of the thousands of blogs and books and videos that could help you have perfect children, this is probably not one of them.

The Infallible Guide To Dressing A Child

The Infallible Guide to Dressing a Child

When I found out during my first pregnancy that I was going to have a girl, I was excited because that meant I would have a babysitter for all my other minions. But also because anyone who has walked through a department store at some point in their lives knows that girls clothes are on a whole other level than boys. You could spend the working annual budget of a small country on girls clothes, shoes, and accessories. Twice that…

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