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The Infallible Guide To Child-Proofing

The Infallible Guide to Child-Proofing

Hey all. After a long summer hiatus, my little minions are back in the hallowed halls of learning and we can be friends again. Maybe. Hopefully. The problem I'm discovering is that with the older children in school, there's no one to tattle on the little ones when they get creative while I'm goofing off doing silly things like showering or folding laundry. This has resulted in some fun messes, like pink nail polish hair for the baby and spice…

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The Infallible Guide To Dejunking

The Infallible Guide to Dejunking

Spring is not really upon us, but in hopes it will someday stick its head out of whatever hole it's hiding in, my brain has decided upon spring cleaning as a coping mechanism. As a family of eight who practices wonderful minimalism and never impulse buys or visits grandma, we have a lot of stuff. And I mean A LOT. Like we could furnish a pretty good sized National Treasure catacomb treasure room but instead of invaluable scrolls and gold…

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The Infallible Guide To Laundry

The Infallible Guide to Laundry

Having a family of eight means that one of my primary hobbies is doing laundry. Lots and lots of laundry. We find that if we commit to doing a simple dozen or two loads a day, we can pretty much stay on top of it. We've had a lot of systems through the years, but we have finally gotten to a perfectly honed process that guarantees if you ever need a very specific shirt for a school dance competition or…

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